What We’re Doing Now: A Call for Brainstorming

There are several things WA-CARE is doing to prepare for the next legislative session and one of our priorities is getting the word out.  For those of us involved in the adoption community open records is a high profile issue.  We need to raise its profile with those who have no ties to adoption.

The question is how to inform them.  Keeping in mind that we are a small group (four active members) with limited financial resources (basically none) leave suggestions in the comments of ways you think we can get the word out.

Do you think (or know from experience) that posting fliers is effective? Then where would you recommend we put them?

Do you know of an event where we can get permission to distribute brochures (for free or a very small fee)? Let us know.

We’re currently working on an informational video.  We’re struggling with how to make it short enough that people will watch and still make sure we get all the information across, any suggestions?

If any of your suggestions contain information best not left in a public comment (contact info etc) please use the WA-CARE email address: wa-care (at) wa-care (dot) org

We know that many would like to help, but can’t make our meetings due to distance or scheduling so please use the comments and email to make your input heard.

Our next meeting will be in July, I’ll post more information when the details are finalized.

This entry was posted in Adoptee Rights, Adoption, Advocacy, Update. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to What We’re Doing Now: A Call for Brainstorming

  1. joy21 says:

    This is just my opinion, but I would take the next year and focus on lobbying your opposition.

    I am also a member of the Adoptee Rights Coalition, some of our members have been part of successful clean bill campaigns. We are having our big gear-up for our protest now, please join us if you can, but I am sure we would be open to a call and would be happy to offer our experience and what has worked for us.

    If there are any of your state legislators that will be attending the NCSL please give us names and we will make sure to get some ear time.

    For more information http://adopteerights.net/nulliusfilius/

    We love to help, we need to give.


  2. When you know what you need, we can 411 some WARM bodies and a small current list of folks who desire to be active in legislative process; but are remote, so could do so by email, mail or phone. Look into PSA radio specs. and format the info to be used in a variety of ways -video on web, radio, NW Afternoon, KIRO Talk Radio would be a format to pursue. Will put in our file to discuss at two upcoming mtgs. in July and Sept. and see if anyone else has brainstorms or drizzles.

  3. Be sure to check with groups in other states that have gone through the process of trying to get laws changed because they probably have lots of ideas on things that worked and things that didn’t work. And check with the AAC (which you guys have probably already done).

    Also would be good to get some stories in newspapers big and small.

    As for the informational video, what about a question and answer format?

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