Update for January 25, 2011

Last week we learned that Senator Mike Carrell had sponsored bill SB 5178 with Senator Val Stevens as co-sponsor. This bill would amend RCW 26.33.345 in such a way that would allow adoptees access to their birth certificates but would also extend the “affidavit of non-disclosure”. This means that all birth parents, past and present, would have the right at any time to file a document blocking an adult adoptee from obtaining their original birth certificate.

WA-CARE does not support this bill.

On Monday, we met briefly with Senator Carrell to let him know where we stand and to request an amendment to SB 5178. Although Senator Carrell is willing to work with us to create a bill we would support, we learned that the chair of the Senate Human Services & Corrections committee, Senator James Hargrove, is unlikely to allow any bill regarding adoptee rights to even be given a hearing, which is a required step prior to the committee voting on the bill.

Because any adoptee rights bill will most likely end up in the Human Services & Corrections committee, and because Senator Hargrove is steadfastly against making any retroactive changes pertaining to adoption laws to the point of not even allowing hearings or votes, we’re stumped as to what to do next.

WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We need ideas for how we might be able to get the law changed without going through the Human Services & Corrections committee. We’re especially interested hearing from individuals that worked on legislative changes in other states. You can either post your suggestion to the WA-CARE blog (https://wacareblog.wordpress.com) comments or email us atwashingtonadopteerights@gmail.com.

REMINDER: Please keep all comments/feedback constructive and respectful. All negative posts and/or posts with derogatory language will be deleted.

This entry was posted in Adoptee Rights, Advocacy, Update, WA Law, WA Legislation. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Update for January 25, 2011

  1. John Jacobs says:

    If I were to speak to Senator Hargrove I would say that the “time is right” to allow this bill to come to hearing. How may of his voters watched oprah winfrey introduce her 1/2 sister Patricia born in 1963 on t.v. this week and the family members that called it a blessing that she has joined the family.
    Tim McGraw viewed his birth certificate and his fathers name was crossed out. Now in february we see his reunion on “who do you think you are”.
    Again your voters Senator Hargrove will be wondering why washington state citizens can’t view the original birth certificate as others in our nation have… let alone not even allow a hearing to discuss the matter.

    • KatjaMichelle says:

      Good points John, but I think that in order for Senator Hargrove to really hear whats being said it has to come from his constituents. Which means people who live in Washington’s 24th Legislative District need to write, call, and visit with their Senator and let him know they want all adults in Washington to be able to access their records regardless of their birth year and without the affidavit of non-disclosure.

      NOTE: The 24th Leg. District represents Clallam, Jefferson, and parts of Grays Harbor counties.

      You can find your Legislative district here: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/Default.aspx

  2. ljeske says:

    Senator Hargrove is not the only legislator in WA State that opposes or feels there’s a benefit for conditional legislation. I think legislators in WA State are starting to warm up to the idea as they become more informed on what the facts are involving adoption related issues. I get the distinct impression that WA State Legislators, can’t and won’t take up the cause as they don’t want or know how to take their constituents to task. Legislators in most states haven’t felt the strong wave of public demand for equal rights concerning adoptee rights. I think what needs to happen first, is a membership drive to build support with advocates that are completely dedicated to access for ALL citizens to the point where they will dedicate their time, treasure and talent to the cause. We need people who are devoted and write, email, phone, fax, attend rallies, host informational/educational tables at events, etc. to build the public awareness and support this cause deserves.

    • Jodi says:

      Good points Lori. Senator Hargrove is not the only one who needs convincing. We’ve found that most legislators are open to talking and thinking about the idea of adoptee rights if we can get in the door, but often we can’t because we aren’t constituents. A membership drive is a great idea. The more people we have saying exactly the same thing – access for ALL! – and who are all willing to get fully involved with the cause – the better. In fact I don’t know if anything will happen until we get a large number of people more involved.

      The public awareness piece is crucial as well and is something we’ve discussed at meetings. Again, if we have more members willing to step up and get involved we might have more connections and more options in that area. Since we have possible members all over the state – maybe we need to think about some type of mini-conference where we can all get together and brainstorm. The problem I see with that is – would anyone come?

      Thanks for posting – keep the ideas coming!

      • John Jacobs says:

        Fyi I have an email from one rep. 22nd District that says he would vote for the bill if it came to the house floor.

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