What We Are Asking For

We are asking that access to birth records re-instated to all adoptees, not just those who were adopted after 1993. Adopted persons deserve the same rights to access documents that pertain to them as non-adopted persons.

We are asking that adopted persons also be given a copy of their adoption decree.  If an adopted person’s name is changed when they are adopted, and many are the adoption decree is the only document which links the original birth certificate to their amended (adopted) birth certificate.  The adoption decree can link a person to their heritage, which is a very important part of identity formation.

We are asking that the affidavit of non-disclosure started by the 1993 law be ended.  Birth parents have relinquished all their rights to the children they place for adoption they should not be given a new special right upon finalization (which is when the birth record is sealed) to deny those children the right to access their own documents once they reach adulthood.

We acknowledge that some birth parents may wish to not to be contacted.  We propose a “contact preference” similar to that in the Oregon law. This optional form would in no way hinder any adult person from obtaining their birth documents, however it would inform them that their birth parent(s) did or did not want contact.

In states that allow birth parents to file contact preference forms like these, less than 1/2 of 1 percent have done so, and no state has reported a violation of the contact preference.

We also would like birth parents to be able to fill out an updated medical form, this is especially important for birth parents who do not wish to have contact.  A medical form is usually filled out prior to the adoption, however a lot can change in 18+ years.

If these forms are filed they will be sent to the adopted person along with the original birth certificate and adoption decree when/if a requested is submitted.

This entry was posted in Adoptee Rights, Adoption, Advocacy, WA Legislation. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to What We Are Asking For

  1. Fantastic post ! I learned a lot from the specifics ! Does someone know if my company could get access to a template Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Customer Info Pkt copy to fill out ?

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